my old posts

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Just a concerned man (Part 2)
I was cut wide by the latest event, so for newcomers; I suggest that you read the 1st part.This time it's (me) who is going to talk.Remember this is not about the past. Yes, the war happened, but we have to have a solid opinion about it, as this is not the end and I think we will face similar situations sooner or later.One of the main objections towards the war is that it will further increase the USA control of the world, and the claims that it was a war fought for some narrow economic gains (oil firms, contracts...etc). While inside USA it seems that some people fear that the success in Iraq will greatly increase the chance of bush being reelected. Now let's deal with each presumption one by one.First off all spare me the nonsense of (occupation) and (resistance) and the (chaos) that the USA had thrown the world into, only for some individual economic and political gains. As for saying that bush and Blair went to the war to increase their popularity, I must say that it's the most absurd assumption. In fact these great and brave men actually risked not only their chance of being re-elected, but also their entire political career [especially in the case of Mr. Blair (one of the most brilliant and brave politicians the UK have ever had)] what if the war didn't go as was planned? The exact course of War is always hard to predict. What if there were huge casualties among the armies as happened in Vietnam? No one had ever seek popularity by committing such an unpopular and hard risk against the will of most of his people (as in the UK) and against the will of most of the world. And we can see now what great popularity both men achieved, with all this unjust war on the media. No these 2 leaders together with the other coalition governments, didn't go to war for popularity, not for the (Iraqi fortune), as I stated in a previous post. And I'll discard the opinion that those governments went to war just to free the Iraqi people.This leaves us with 2 possible and logical reason; control of the Middle East and eventually the world (anti war camps' claims), and fighting terrorism and eliminating the danger of wmds through establishing prosperous democracies in the region (the coalition claims) and the far less reasonable belief of a Zionist or republican conspiracy to control USA and eventually the world.But today I'll discuss your reasons for opposing the war. Apparently you didn't believe that Saddam was not a mad dictator and a brutal tyrant that should be toppled. You had already admitted this fact. And certainly not to spare the poor Iraqi people the miseries of the war. As, such emotions play a very minor role -if any - in the political decision of any governments. And you know, as I and every sane man knows, that the only possible way to relieve the suffering of Iraqis was to get rid of S.H. and after 12 years of sanctions it was obvious that this man couldn't have been removed by any other mean than extreme force. I wonder what your real reason was. Allow me to present some of my presumptions:The German councilor, for instance, had made a pre-election promise that he will not support any aggression against Iraq, and breaking this promise-although it saves the souls of a 25 million human being-it will seriously affect his creditability. Putting it in a more vulgar way, it means kiss the presidency good bye. But let us not be too hard on the man. His government, as well as others on the peace camp, had made huge investments in (Saddam's Iraq) and bet a lot of money on that horse. So in the noblest reasonable causes, these governments were thinking of their own people interests, which are sadly-despite the resulting sufferings of other nations-quite acceptable in the world of politics. But by eliminating the moral factor from both sides of the equation, it seems strange why it isn't acceptable for the US and the UK governments to do so as well.But that's not what it's all about. These powerful nations can't bear it to see what were once theirs, or at least a (gray zone), being taken by the US piece by piece and stand by and watch.No one can deny them that right, but please at least be honest and don't hide behind our suffering of Iraqis under occupation, and stop encouraging the terrorists that are causing damages to us that are much more than what they are ding to the US army. Oh sorry but you can't do that you would loose your only wild card.But above all that I do think that here you have been a little bit short sighted. "What!??" one on the other camp may say "what a great politician you think you are, to judge the intelligence of such brilliant politicians? Who gave you that right?" my answer will be; yes I don't know much about politics and these people are sure much more smart and sophisticated than me when it comes to politics. But doesn't the same thing apply to you, judging the wisdom of action of men like; Blair, bush and Powel using more impolite descriptions than I had used? One may respond" I'm not saying that they are stupid, but I'm saying that they are mean". seems that you have the right to do that and by doing so you give me the same right to say the same thing about the men on the other side. Shall we call it even, then, as you and I are only debating how concerned these men about their countries interests and their creditability (some thing that only history may reveal beyond reasonable doubts) and not their intelligence or depth of analysis. That seems to make us even, yet it doesn't satisfy me. Why? Here is my answer:Casting away the moralities (that is responsibility towards their countries and the whole world) it leaves us with the political judgment and depth of analysis on both sides. And as we presumably, admitted that we are no match to those people when it comes to politics, allow me to say that I understand their fears and agree with most of their presumptions with only two insignificant details that I don't agree with;1st of all I have lived my whole life in a remarkable example of tyranny and what effect can it lay on the minds and souls of men. I have watched it mutilate peaceful simple ignorant men into criminals and mad terrorists, changing teenagers into cruel monsters, through its cruelty, injustice impoverishing, and poisonous propaganda. This fact makes me- as humble minded as I'm- more aware of the dangers of such regimes on the stability of the region and the entire world in the long terms. If you think that Iraqis and other Arab countries exports mainly oil, then you should go back and check the passports of most of the terrorists and there secret bank account, and please do me a favor and show me the list, as I have actually haven't seen it yet but I'm only guessing. And they don't have to live in Iraq, to be affected by her propaganda or sponsored by her former government.Another point were I think I'm more aware about than your brilliant politician (there is absolutely no sarcasm here as anywhere else in this post, as I don't deny their great qualifications) is that they seem to think that the vast majority of the destructive wave of terrorism is directed towards Israel and USA (the great Satan), and that this priority will never change at least not until those 2 countries are destroyed. And as this possibility is nearly impossible, they thought that they are some what safe and could enjoy watching the terrorists being defeated with the sacrifices of others, while they can continue to lead a peaceful productive and prosperous life. And after 20 years from now, there would be no terrorism and the economically and militarily exhausted USA would no longer be (no. 1 ) in the world and their chance (the other camp) of re-dominating the world would be much greater. It seems that this dream was so attractive to the degree that made them actually support the terrorism behind the curtain.I must admit that this is only a theory and that there maybe some other causes that I'll probably talk about in the future. But let me concentrate on this seemingly reasonable attractive, yet illusionary vision.From the ethical point of view this dream seems meaner to me than any accusation they are putting on the USA. And Yes, here again the humble mind of mine can see better than them (in case this was their theory) and not only me, but any Muslim and some non-Muslim, know that these fundamentalists have declared war on the whole infidel world (people like me included). Bin-laden and his likes may make some kind of deals with (infidel governments) to help them in attacking their greatest enemies; Israel and USA. But their convictions had, and will never change. Their ultimate dream is to conquer the whole world, and in case that proves to be impossible then at least destroy their enemies, meaning destroying the whole-civilized world. They believe; that their obligation to Allah/God is to fight and kill any non-Muslim who lays a foot in Muslim land (that extends in their beliefs from china to Spain). And the only way that could save those non Muslims, is to change their religion into Muslims or pay a certain tax (jizea) and if (theoretically) their dream comes true, then its not the end as their ultimate goal is to spread Islam through the whole world, even (or maybe favorably) if by force, or at least make the rest of the world pay the jizea. You can see that these peoples' hero or idol is not Mohammed it's more close to Haroon Al- Rashid.Now their domination of the world seems to be a very ridiculous idea and doesn't have the slightest chance, but destroying the world seems not as impossible as we all hope it is. After all it takes a few hundred (martyrs) and a mad dictator- armed with a few tiny nuclear bombs or a single virus to- unite. Such unity seems to be very possible if not now then in the future and that hard technology is getting cheaper and easier every day.Please just tell me what kind of a barrier those (peaceful ) governments are working on, and then the whole strategy of the peaceful governments that I was hallucinating about would prove more solid than I think it is.I think this should be enough to state that war on terrorism, eliminating the danger of WMDs and establishing democracies in the M.E. were important reasons for the war. That leaves us with 2 additional possible and unacceptable reasons for the current USA policy; the battle for more control and the republican or Zionist-American conspiracy. If you have any other reasons (morality not included) please do not hesitate to through it in my face.To be continued….

Monday, December 15, 2003

A word of consolation.

In the midst of our celebrations and joy, we forgot our brothers on the other side of the front.Dear Arab and Muslim tyrants.
Dear Bin Laden and Al-Quaeda.Dear Ba'athists and fascists.
Dear terrorists of the world.
Dear al-Jazeera and al-Arabia and all independent Arab media.
All the truly evil people in the world.
All those who loved Saddam.
All freedom haters.
Please accept my sincere and deepest contempt to you and your hero.
May God blind your eyes more and more.
May you follow your Godfather through his glorious path to hell.
May you live long enough to face the same destiny.
Take heart, the moment of joining your hero is near.
Have no despair, as in the truly and honestly evil soul of each one of you; I can see another saddam waiting for the right time to be crowned as the next king of demons.
May your idol rest in hell.
God curse you all.And just one advise, dig a deeper hole.
Or make that: holes.

Saturday, December 13, 2003

Being an Iraqi, I have a million reasons for supporting the USA and the coalition, especially when it comes to Iraq.I’ll try to forget that I’m an Iraqi for a while, and pretend to be someone else living far away in a country that has no direct or indirect relation to USA’s new strategy and her policy in Iraq and the middle east.Hard as that maybe I’ll do my best to cast away my feelings, interests, and my country’s interests. From now on it's not me who's talking.I see obvious dangers in the world; terrorism, WMD's, and that US and the Republicans dominating the world (Remember it's not me talking, I’m putting myself in the other camp, or in a neutral stand).And I can hear two loud voices, the voice representing Islam using the conspiracy theory, Nationalism and Arab nationalism, and another one, claiming a Republican-Zionists conspiracy to hi-jack the USA and swallow the whole world, to steal all the fortune and enslave humankind.And there're the considerably lower voices that say that all what the American administration is doing; is to serve its country, defend it, improve life conditions of their citizens and secure the whole world.Now whom am I supposed to believe? As for the first group, well..There’s nothing new in your claims, you have been telling the same old story for centuries. And seeing your representatives: Saddam, Arafat, Bin-Ladin and other Arab and Muslim leaders and the clergy that support them. I can not but question your credibility and the validity of your perspectives. Besides, stating that you are the only people on the right track and that the whole world are either infidels or traitors, make you look more racist and fanatic than all of your enemies.You still live in the past, and your dreams are not the least imperialistic than what you claim about those of your enemies and I doubt that I’ll vote for you not until you come up with something new and more legitimate.As for the second group; I want to say: your perspectives are armed with a similar conspiracy theory that the American and British administrations had (somehow) managed to hypnotize the world and seize the power and that they use illusionary threats to justify their clinging to power, or at least that the USA and UK want to become the first and only super power on earth and kill any possible opportunity for their rivals to catch up with them.Answering these questions is a little bit more difficult but I’ll try to do it in brief by stating some facts::: 9 / 11 is not an illusion, bombing the UN, Red Cross and the British embassy is not an illusion. And I don’t think it was caused by American policy, as the general policy haven’t change much, but the new generation of (resistance) had changed its means and ideology and widened its circle of enemies which caused the US to modify her policy(the new policy was a response rather than a long planned strategy).:: the USA and UK already dominate the world, so why would they go to a risky war without a reasonable cause. They could have what they want without a war. USA is not only the strongest military power but also have the strongest economy and cultural effect, so why destabilize an already favorable situation.:: does president Bush or Mr. Blair want to govern for life? I know that this is impossible looking to the constitutions of both countries and I find it hard to believe that in the sake of another 4 years in charge the American administration endanger their whole nation. Give me a better reason, and don’t say that the republicans want to dominate I can see that the media favors the democrats, besides your country is a free one and you don’t have to give them your voice, and use publicity. But rising of such a crucial issue as war on terrorism and concentrating on the bad stuff and spreading lies for the sake of local elections? I wouldn’t call that wise.So keep your struggle but try your best to keep away from the war on terrorism and democracy in Iraq.The third voice: some people go as far as saying that the USA goal is to free all the world and bring democracy, others more moderate, say that we seek our countries benefit and if it gives others freedom and democracy then we should be happy as this maybe a rare occasion where our interests lie in parallel with the most oppressed and unfortunate people. And no matter what sacrifices, we have to go on this war and building democracy to secure the peace and prosperity of our country and we should do it with a clear conscious.As an outsider, after 5 seconds of meditating as the case is crucial and needs a fast decision. I think I’ll support the third voice but I’m still waiting for the other voices to work on their proofs, maybe I’ll change my mind.Use your ammunition wisely. There is a second part.To be continued…

Monday, December 08, 2003

The central issue.....cont'd.
To tell the truth, I hesitated to talk about this issue from the beginning. I have to say it again, I’m not discussing which part is wrong and which is right, not the issue of Israel vs. Palestine, not the issue of Jews vs. Muslims, not west vs. east (is it necessary that there is always a vs.?). And I’m not implying that the GC or the future Iraqi government should start peace talks with Israel immediately (as much as it's a good cause yet it still seems too early-for Iraq-to make such decisions).I’m just trying to explain:- Why Arabs care for Palestinian rights more than they do for their own. -The way the Arab governments dealt with the conflict and its effect (the way) on Arabs (Palestinians included) in general and Iraqis in particular.-Why the Arab and Muslim countries have a passive (if not aggressive) approach towards free Iraq.Now let's get back to where we stopped last time:Whenever some of my Iraqi fellow citizens start to whine about the Palestinians killed in the (Intifadah)-provoked by the dramatic scenes and reports from the local TV (now Al-Jazeerah and Al-Arabia), I used to reason with them: Shouldn't we care about our children as well?Yes, I too feel sorry for the Palestinians, not because they are harshly treated by Israel (after 3 years of Intifadah, the number of Palestinian causalities is far less than what S.H or Abdul Nasser could consider a full month job) and certainly not because of their tragic living conditions (most of the Palestinians kids, I have seen, were dressed much more properly than 90% of the Iraqi kids) but I do feel sorry for them because -they too- are the victims of our tyrants and their media, who managed to convince them that they're fighting a holly war, and that each one of them dies during this fight will go straight to paradise. The poor lads believed it and threw themselves into the flames (and still do so) only for the joy of our dictators, who would use their mighty media horns to slap us on the face saying "stop complaining and demanding luxuries, look at your brothers in religion, your Arab brothers, being killed and tortured by the Zionists, at least you're free!!! While their land had been occupied and their homes destroyed by your eternal enemy. Join the battle, support the Intifadah, and when we get rid the Zionists and free Palestine; all your wishes will come true".But they, and it seemed that only they (in the Arab world at least), knew that this battle would never be won, and they kept sure that the other possible end (peace) remains almost impossible. It’s just like that windmill in the (Animal farm). NO, this is not the central issue, the central issue is: millions of Iraqis killed and tortured by S.H, it's more than a 100 thousand Algerians murdered in the last 12 years (both by the fundamentalists and the army) and it's hundreds of thousand of Sudani people killed in the civil war, it's tens of thousands of Syrians killed within few days by Asad the father (in Hims and Hamah), its 100s of thousands Arab citizens detained for years all over the Arab world for merely expressing their opinions, it's more than 250 million citizens of deep-rooted cultures living under the rule of cruel ignorant tyrants such as S.H, Gaddafi, the Assad dynasty and to put it short, all the Arab governments with very few exceptions.That's what a real (Arab nationalist) should consider as the central issue, but for the man with an open mind and heart, it's much more than that. It is the oppression, injustice, poverty, diseases and ignorance anywhere on this planet. All seem to have one thing in common!.Now let's get back to our central issue.This vicious circle of wars, oppression and hatred can never be broken by opening dialogue channels or building walls between the two concerned parties as long as the (hate producing reactors)are still functioning. It can only be solved in Baghdad, Cairo, Damascus, Yemen, Jeddah, Tehran and Islam Abaad.If I were Israeli I wouldn’t be too eager to make agreements with governments that don’t represent more than 1% of their people at best.On the other hand, free Arab and Muslim people living in democratic prosperous environment will find it more reasonable and much easier to conduct a real peace process and put an end to this conflict that caused tragedies that had way surpassed any possible gain that may be obtained by winning it.In the past few years, the US administration, supported by the British government has changed its policy in the ME and changed the priority from the Israeli/Palestinian conflict to the war on terrorism and totalitarian regimes in the region, starting with Iraq.Yes, the first step on the road starts from Baghdad. The next? OOOOH!, that what makes them so frenzy.Each one of those dictators knows that even if it wasn’t him who’s the second on the list, it takes only one or two more tyrannies to fall, and there will be no enough steam to keep the engine running. Then the work on their precious (windmill) will be finished, and they will be left without any excuse to justify their citizens’ misery.And as those people have passed the point of no return, they have no other choice but to unite and fight against the obviously oncoming changes in Iraq, they even dared to really stand against the USA, something they never dared to do in the past except in their (for internal use propaganda).As desperate as they seem, they do have a chance of achieving one of three objectives:-(this is their dream)Helping the terrorists to inflict as much casualties as possible among the coalition forces to force them abandon their task.-Creating a situation of disharmony (relying on the ethnic and religious differences)in the hope that this will lead to civil war, just as they did in Lebanon.-(this seems to be their best chance)Making the Iraqis pay a very high price for their freedom, so that their own people may refrain from demanding it when seeing how much it cost.My word to them: “IN YOUR DREAMS”, The wind of freedom has already started to whiffle, and no matter what you do, you can not stop it.

Friday, December 05, 2003

The central issue.

This article is not about Iraq, it is about an issue that has been used in Iraq and other Arab countries to strengthen the grip of Arab tyrants on power.Why am I writing about it now? well first because this issue, with all its complexities had a huge impact on political events in Iraq (and still have, to a lesser extent) second, maybe that after I've tasted freedom I became a little less self-centered and a little bit more concerned about others misfortune, those who either lack the ability or the free will to speak out their minds.For nearly a century, the main concern of Arabs and Muslims was (and still is) the Palestinian issue.I must stress that I do not want to defend any particular party, neither do I want to go deep into the roots of this conflict, who caused it or why a certain super(and minor)power adapted a certain policy. I just want to focus on the way the consecutive Arab governments dealt with it.I hope through doing this I could also answer two valid questions that were posted in the comment section of previous articles:The first asking why Arab cared for Palestinians rights more than they do for their own?In the second, was asking about the reaction of Arabs and Muslims towards what's happening in Iraq.Actually the first one was answered in brief by 2 fine readers, but I would like to make more clarifications:As every one knows, the Arab-Israeli wars started in 1948 following the UN resolution in 1947.The weak and immature democracies governing most of the Arab nations at that time stepped into the war hesitantly under the pressure of the growing feelings of the (Arab nationalism).The result is well known, and it helped in the collapse of those governments.Abdul Nasser-the best representative and the god father of all modern Arab dictators- and his comrades were smarter than their predecessors, they learnt the lesson and turned the tables on their rivals/people.They took it upon themselves to lead the (crusade) to liberate Palestine and through the Jews into the sea.this time the defeats were even worse, but the different thing was that Abdul Nasser -and his smart students- not only managed to survive, but even made benefits from those defeats, and grew stronger and tougher(within the boundaries of their countries). Under the slogan (no sound should rise louder than that of the battle), they restrained the freedom of speech, prohibited political activities and declared martial laws to further enforce their control. They did not miss the chance of hitting on the sensitive chord of religion, which was used skillfully by the Arab media (although it didn't have a major role until the early 90's).They made every possible effort to make the Palestinian issue- which the Ba'ath party named (the central issue)-the only issue worth fighting and dying for.They kept telling the people how the (imperialism and the global Zionism) had (anchored this wedge In the heart of the Arab world, only to keep it from uniting, rising and dominating the world).They convinced them that all their misery, poverty and shattering was caused by the west (particularly USA) and its outpost (Israel), and for those who were not convinced with such crap, there was always the vision of a dark dungeon or a whole in a mass grave serving as a warning sign to (go back to reason) and follow the herd. No other points of view were allowed, it was an order rather than a teaching.As generation passed, the Iraqi and the Arab children were raised/forced to hate not only Israel, but all what's Jewish. They were fed with this hate by the school, the mosque, the media and the unconscious echoes of all these horns in their own houses. This conflict was fed by hating the Jews and the west rather than loving or caring for the Palestinians.No one dared to ask: can't this issue be settled peacefully?, how could Israel for instance be a hinder in Iraq development ? we don't even have common borders, how did the Jews,- amongst whom more than 120 thousands lived in Iraq- before 1949 peacefully and actively playing their role in building Iraq suddenly became( infidel enemies).till now, and even in free Iraq, the only question whether the Jews have a right in Palestine/Israel, could cost you a lot and make one an infidel in the eyes of many Muslims(again the clerics and the mullahs proved to be a very handy instrument in the hands of Arab tyrants).Take this example: following the horrible assassination of (Aytollah Mohammed b. al-hakeem) and the death of more than 80 men and women in the holly sheia mosque in Najaf, I was discussing with some of my colleagues: who could be responsible, and why?I was (and still) on the belief that either Saddam loyalists or his allies-the fundamentalist terrorists, from abroad- were behind it, and so did most of my colleagues, but it struck me to see some of them declare that they suspect that it maybe the USA and Israel who were responsible."WHAT ON EARTH HAS ISRAEL TO DO WITH THIS? AND HOW THE HELL COULD THE USA BENEFIT FROM THIS?" I shouted in despair. "STOP PUTTING ALL THE BLAME ON ISRAEL. AND FOR GODSSAKE IF THERE IS ONE PART (OTHER THAN IRAQ) THAT IS SEEKING AND SHOULD BENEFIT FROM STABILITY AND PROSPERITY OF IRAQ, THEN IT IS THE USA. THE MAN WAS EVEN ON THEIR SIDE!!"As I said that, one of my colleagues (a Palestinian doctor living in Iraq) looked at me with astonishment and sorrow, and said: "oh God..!, watch it man, you're so close to become an infidel"There's a lot more to say, and I haven't reached the core point yet, but this article longer than usual, so I will take a break and let you (and myself) sit back and take another look. Maybe it will become clearer for both of us.To be continued....

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

The second element.

“Frankly, a lot of us over here are starting to think you guys deserved him.”I found this statement in one of the comments on the post about the Spanish officers who were killed in Iraq last week.As much as these words hurt me as much as I found them justified, and in spite of the support of most of the readers of this blog, I could not help thinking how does the rest of the world think.I am sure that there are lots of people around the world who agree with the statement mentioned above, after so much painful and disgusting scenes reported from Iraq, I myself used to burst in the faces of my friends and relatives with similar comments when they showed an approval or a disinterest in what was happening.Each time I saw or heard of something like what we all saw, I used to question myself: why are we like this? Can it be true that twenty five million people could all be so barbarian and ignorant? Do we deserve our misfortune and why can’t we change, even after Saddam Hussien was dethroned? What have this devil and his gang done to my people? No I will not pretend to be a saint living among evil people.I have lived long enough here and seen and read in history what makes me believe that most of Iraqis are good people and deserve a better life and no video clip can make me change my mind.Yet the question remains unanswered, and it needs a reasonable and thorough investigation and analysis.I can’t claim that I have all the answers, but I think I have some.-One important fact is that S.H. had made it his policy to raise the filthy cruel and ignorant people to the highest ranks encouraging their behavior showing it as the utmost manhood and bravery.His TV (as one of my fellow Iraqi citizens mentioned) used to show us the horrible scenes of burned bodies of the Iranian soldiers during and even after the Iraqi-Iranian war, some people used to turn off the TV others chose to watch “celebrating the defeat of their enemy” not realizing the long-turn effect of such scenes on their children.On the other hand, the good hearted, noble, brave and intelligent Iraqis were oppressed, denied most of their rights, forced to leave their country and in many instances brutally exterminated.-Another fact is that through out history most of the people-with very few exceptions-obeyed their mad tyrants without hesitation, even when it involved killing and torturing innocent men, women and even children.Can anyone dare to say that Hitler used his bare hands to burn millions of the Jewish people, or was it only Stalin’s gun that killed hundreds of thousands of Russian people?There were always more people following the tyrants than those who chose to oppose.-Another fact lies in the choice of the media. Yes, there are lots of bad stuff going on here, but there’s also a great deal of good being done by Iraqis and all the brave and fine people who came from all over the world to help.It’s up to you to choose. If you want to see what you believe, you will not even need to make the effort of lifting your eyelids.If you want to see their version of the truth, you’ll have to make a little effort picking your remote control, turning on the TV and relax while you watch your favorite channel. But if you wanted to see the truth, you will need to consume a little more energy moving your body and a much more working your mind out.I do believe in what most of the scientists -studying human nature- had agreed on, that is the man behavior is determined by his genetics and his environment.And I see the political system as a major element in the environment.However I also believe in a 3rd. element that forms and shapes the ultimate course of the life of an individual, and let me call it “the free zone”, a zone of free will that neither the genetics nor the environment and not even God have any influence whatever, and as this zone is free, it is liable for frequent changes throughout its short course on earth.I think that the governments can not create criminals or saints, but a wise one makes it easier for the good ones to use their free will as it makes it harder for the bad ones to use theirs. And the opposite applies for the bad government; it just acts as a catalyst to the potentialities within each human soul. I am not asking you to forgive the guilty, I wouldn’t approve of it, but I am asking you to stand for your responsibility and support your brave men and women and the good Iraqis as they act within the (limited space) of the environment to help show the others the wrong from right, and them use their free wills judiciously.I have a 4 month old nephew who means the world to me, and as part of my job I see a lot of ill babies daily and whenever I feel frustrated and angry enough to judge my whole nation, it just takes a look into the innocent eyes of my nephew or any other child for all my anger to vanish, and my(solid as a rock) heart melts, and I find myself instantaneously thinking: what do(s) he/they deserve, and what is my/your responsibility towards them?